Hello everyone!! (^-^*)/
I am Yuki Komurasaki, M1 student.
I am sorry that the post was delayed. m(-_-)m
This time is about an annual seminar “Bakazemi !!”
So do you know what is ” Bakazemi ” ? (゚ペ)
The Bakazemi is a seminar that is’nt related to usual research at all, pursue your favorite things stupidly(Baka) and present it in front of everyone.
This year we held it at Kibougaoka Cultural Park in Shiga!
This park is rich in nature, surrounded by mountains and a perfect place to camp!\(^▽^\)
The 1st day!!
We did Bakazemi in a room, although there was a lot of nature.
Many people brought the real things this year so it became a great zemi. It is nice to have the real things after all. o(^▽^)o
“Devices that detect people entering the laboratory and notify them to their smartphones by e-mail”
“Three-dimensional origami with curved lines”
“Dynamic analysis of the way of knitting” etc.
Their presentations were full of personality.
In such wonderful presentations, Mr. Mukai got the championship!!!!(*゚▽゚)/゚・:*【祝】
The title is “A device to prevent forgetting to up a zipper of pants”.
Everyone was laughing with just the title. He has become the man of the hour.

“ I spent most of the money for a BBQ because the accommodation costs were cheap!! “ said a person in charge.
People who did not talk normally in the lab cooperated to prepare for BBQ.
Talk a lot…eat slowly…drink slowly… these are also important time. o(^^o)

Good morning! The 2nd day! ! b(・o・)d
There was a mysterious belonging “empty milk carton” that was written in a brochure of this camp. Let’s use it now! Wrap the materials of the hot dog in aluminum foil and put it in a milk carton then into a fire.By the time the milk carton burned out, there was a smoking warm hot dog inside!!

Let’s play sports outside in the end!! (ノ゚▽゚)ノ
We walked 30 minutes from the campground to the lawn square! It was really hot… The weather was great and Prof. Ma was full of motivation!
We played Dodge Bee and Futsal. It was fun but everyone got tired. Well, I was weaker than I thought … (ノ゚ρ゚)ノ And it was also our first time to play sports together. I would like to organize this regularly!!

Personally, I really enjoyed it!!
However, I also have many reflection points as an organaizer.
Well, what sort of Bakazemi will be held next year?
I’m looking forward to it. 。(‘-‘。)(。‘-‘)。
So goodbye for now!! |・_・) |_・) |・) See you again!!