Putting our lab’s technology to practical use. KOEI Dream Works, a manufacturer of robots, launches a service for its pipe exploration robot, “PIPE-KUN”.

KOEI Dream Works Co Ltd. has put into pratical use of the “Articulated Inspection Robot – AIRo”, developed by the Bioinspired Intelligent Mechatronics Laboratory, Department of Robotics, College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, and made it into a pipe exploration robot “Pipe-kun” in October 2020. The service has started in full swing from October 14th (Wed) (* quote from below).



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弘栄ドリームワークス 立命館大学 生物知能機械学研究室が開発した配管内検査ロボット「AIRo」を実用化


Our laboratory’s in-pipe inspection robot is on the cover of an academic journal!

The in-pipe inspection robot, mainly developed by our laboratory, has been selected on the cover of the Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics(JRM), one of the world’s oldest English language journals on robotics and mechatronics.


For more information about robots, please check “Robot” or “Publication” on this website.

Atsushi Kakogawa, Yuki Komurasaki, and Shugen Ma, Shadow-based Operation Assistant for a Pipeline-inspection Robot using Variance of Pixel-number to the Luminance, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 31-6, pp. 772-780, 2019, 10.20965/jrm.2019.p0772.

Our laboratory’s in-pipe inspection robot was reported by the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun

The in-pipe inspection robot under development in our laboratory was reported in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun on 10/8.

“立命館大、配管進入ロボ開発 曲管、自動で対応”


nikkan kougyou shinbun 191016

Prof. Shugen Ma has been selected as the ambassador of Japan MICE

Prof. Ma has been selected as a new conference ambassador to join the team of Japan MICE Ambassadors from 2018.

The Japan MICE Ambassador programme was established in 2013 with the aim of raising Japan’s profile as a destination for conferences and events. Japan MICE Ambassadors are academics and business professionals offering expertise in their respective fields. They act as the face of the nation, contributing to publicity efforts and helping to attract more international conferences to Japan. Over the five years of this programme, 55 well-respected ambassadors have been selected to represent Japan.



Prof. Ma was introduced in “Japan Panorama”

Prof. Ma was introduced in “Japan Panorama” published by the International Development Journal Co.,Ltd.


“Students in my laboratory must be energetic self-starters.”
When beginning a research project, the student must consider the project’s novelty, its theoretical practicality, and its likely impact on society.

Prof. Ma’s article appeared in CHINA DAILY USA

Prof. Ma’s article appeared in CHINA DAILY USA.
“Robots need the loving attention of human beings”- Research and investment are key factors in automating production, but that is not enough.

Unmanned Systems Magazine has introduced Prof.Ma and his research

Unmanned Systems Magazine” which is published by AUVSI has introduced Prof.Ma and his research. It is published on the issue Vol28 No.9 with title: 「Researcher Shugen Ma Looks to Nature for Robotic Inspiration」.

AERA which is a famous magazine published by Asahi Shimbun has introduced Prof.Ma and his reseach

AERA which is a famous magazine published by Asahi Shimbun has introduced Prof.Ma and his reseach. It can be refered to the link: http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/rs/category/okurimono/101220.html