It’s been a while. How have you been? This is Yamagami.
Finally, my big work that has been accumulated for a long time has finished, so I could post this article.
(The next job will start soon …. (* _ *))
Well, August 1st was an open campus day. We talked to high school students about research of our lab.In particular, this time, we explained mainly the snakes type mobile robot which is also the trademark (?) of our lab. Oh dear! For this day, we had to create 3 snake-like mobile robots. The creative part was done mainly by Mr. Matsuno(D3), and Mr.Matsumoto.(B4)
It was quite a hard work that requires preparation for about 3 months. (゚ロ゚😉
It was truly amazing work with this short span. (゚ロ゚😉 (゚ロ゚😉
Thanks to that, high school students and their parents were highly interested in the robots made by us. We hope they understood the fun of making robots.
We are literally doing “making a robot from the beginning”. From the concept stage, we think over and over of the novelty and usefulness, and realize with full power when the plan is decided.
Especially in our lab, the concept is that each person will do these processes as voluntarily as possible.
The basic ability as an engineer obtained through these experiences will be a strong point of us in the future.
More than anything, the accomplishment of completing robots and systems by own hands and working it, that is something can’t really be experienced easily.
Those who are interested, please consider enrolling in Ritsumeikan university by all means.