Hello everyone!
My name is Yuki Komurasaki, a new M1 student.
We are working on cultivate knowledge and experience of robot for new B4 students every spring break.
And this year’s theme is to rewrite the program of the snake-like robot which we made and to run on a designated course.
Mr. Izumi, who had been honing his skills at the robot technology research group for 4 years, was fantastic during rewriting the program.!!(The time limit was 3 hours.)
While another group tried to lead the robot to the goal with a try & error using a timer, he brought in his own controller and moved the robot.
And the time for the presentation came!!
As most groups struggled with gradually narrowing courses and curves, only one group reached the goal!!
Yes. Absolutely his group.
A gold medal (chocolate) written a beautiful “R” letter specially made by Ritsumeikan University was presented to the winning group.
We would like you to continue acquiring knowledge and skills of the robot from now on. And we also expect not only Mr.Izumi but also the other new B4.
Good bye for now.