2月2日BKCキャンパスにて現IEEE RAS会長で韓国ソウル大学教授のFrank C Park氏の招待講演会がありました。題目は、「Robot Models in the Age of Machine Learning」でした。先生方や大学院生が参加され活発に質問する姿が見られました。講演の後、研究室をいくつか見学されました。下記、博士学生 LIU Zaiyangさんの感想です。
Thank you very much for Prof. Park’s amazing presentation. I learned a lot from this lecture. Firstly, I realized the limitations of the traditional robot model based on kinematics and dynamics. I used to view the two independent problems as being “solved”, but this is far from the case, especially if a robot has a high degree of freedom and the measurements are noisy. Secondly, I know about the underlying geometric properties of robots and the significance of machine learning. This lecture broadened my horizons and made me realize my lack of knowledge. I will continue to work hard to make up for my shortcomings.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society