Putting our lab’s technology to practical use. KOEI Dream Works, a manufacturer of robots, launches a service for its pipe exploration robot, “PIPE-KUN”.

KOEI Dream Works Co Ltd. has put into pratical use of the “Articulated Inspection Robot – AIRo”, developed by the Bioinspired Intelligent Mechatronics Laboratory, Department of Robotics, College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, and made it into a pipe exploration robot “Pipe-kun” in October 2020. The service has started in full swing from October 14th (Wed) (* quote from below).



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弘栄ドリームワークス 立命館大学 生物知能機械学研究室が開発した配管内検査ロボット「AIRo」を実用化


A lab experience for lower-division students 2020!

We held a lab experience for lower-division students on October 29, 2020!

Due to the influence of the new coronavirus, the implementation was canceled in the previous semester. However, there were still students who applied, and although it was a little late, we were able to take it in this way  to prevent the infection ( in order to reduce the risk of virus, we take measures such as disinfection, ventilation, and the minimum number of people required).

We introduced our laboratory (main research topics, seminars, events, job hunting, etc.), explained the principle and mechanism of the snake-robot’s movement, and implementation of control programming. She asked a lot of questions, so we had a good time.


The followings are the impressions of Ms. Y who came to the laboratory experience.

“First of all, I would like to thank you for this opportunity to meet with you, even though the new coronavirus has prevented us from being able to hold face-to-face classes at the university. I had only a vague idea of what a laboratory was, so I was happy to get to know the atmosphere and characteristics of it. I hadn’t had much opportunity to interact with graduate students before, so I learned a lot from my seniors and it made me reconsider what I am doing now.

I also had an exciting time learning things about the content of the research that I didn’t know or could not understand from the leaflet alone. Throughout my studies and student life, I wanted to understand my own characteristics and use this experience to help me choose a laboratory. I would also like to make a clear choice about whether to go on to graduate school or find a job.”

If you are interested in joining a lab tour for the lower-division students, please see the information updated every year on the homepage of the Department of Robotics, Ritsumeikan University.


News about the best student paper from RCAR 2020 conference

From September 28 to 29, “2020 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics (IEEE RCAR 2020) was held online. Mr. SUN Haonan (D2) from our lab gave a presentation with the following topic:

Haonan Sun, Yang Tian, Shugen Ma and Shuya Inoue, Evaluation of Energy Efficiency of an Eccentric Paddle Mechanism on Sandy Terrain

On the conference, Mr. SUN received several constructive and valuable comments from other researchers, which would definitely provide important references for further study. Fortunately, the submission also has been selected as the winner of the “Best Student Paper” award.

SUN best student 201012





ROBOMECH2020 was held from May 27th to 29th, 2020, and eight members from our laboratory have made poster presentations.

Due to COVID-19, this was the first time the event was held online. We used chatting and web conferencing services to present and communicate with each other while viewing the uploaded posters.

ROBOMECH has always been in a poster presentation style where the presenters can interact with each other actively, and the online session was no different. We had a very good experience with sharp questions and advices. In addition, the online form also had extra advantage that allowed us to view the posters easily, regardless of the location or exhibition time.

It was a pity that we were not able to post photos of ROBOMECH this year as we have done in previous years, because the event was not held onsite. However, we did feel the bustle of ROBOMECH even though it was held online.

Kanta Kato, M1

〇冨田拓基、田陽(発表者), 馬書根「光反射による錆教習データを用いた機械学習の錆検出性能評価」

〇柴田大地(発表者), 馬書根, 田陽, 加藤貫太 「ベルヌーイグリッパーのエネルギー損失要素の特定」

〇加藤貫太(発表者), 馬書根, 田陽, 柴田大地 「完全非接触な安定把持機構の検討」

〇Chengxiao Ding(発表者), Shugen Ma, Yang Tian 「Development of a Tiny and Lightweight 3D Measurement Device」


〇勝間洋平(発表者), 馬書根, 加古川篤「バイナリ制御を用いたヘビ型ロボットの高効率な運動の検討」

〇小川恭平, 加古川篤(発表者),川村貞夫,馬書根「ロボット用せん断支持型高分子弾性要素の機械特性」

〇櫛谷侑太郎(発表者), 馬書根,加古川篤「1自由度能動関節のみを用いた連結車輪型管内移動ロボットの T 字管走行」

Our laboratory’s in-pipe inspection robot is on the cover of an academic journal!

The in-pipe inspection robot, mainly developed by our laboratory, has been selected on the cover of the Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics(JRM), one of the world’s oldest English language journals on robotics and mechatronics.


For more information about robots, please check “Robot” or “Publication” on this website.

Atsushi Kakogawa, Yuki Komurasaki, and Shugen Ma, Shadow-based Operation Assistant for a Pipeline-inspection Robot using Variance of Pixel-number to the Luminance, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 31-6, pp. 772-780, 2019, 10.20965/jrm.2019.p0772.

Demonstration of pipeline robot at SXSW 2020 exhibition in Austin, Texas

A demonstration of the latest pipeline robot will be held at the South by Southwest (SXSW 2020) exhibition in Austin, Texas, March 15-18, 2020.
In collaboration with the Food Management Department, we will propose new possibilities not only for infrastructure inspection but also as a transport robot.



In-pipe robot introduction at the iXs demonstration spoon in the International Robot Exhibition(2019.12.18-2019.12.21)

AIRo-2.4, a 3 inch in-pipe inspection robot developed by the compnay iXs based on the technology from our laboratory, will be introduced at the International Robot Exhibition.

Date December 18 (Wednesday) – December 21 (Saturday), 2019, 10:00 to 17:00
Venue  Tokyo Big Sight  Aomi / West / South Hall (1-2-33 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo)
Exhibition booth West Hall 3.4,W4-41







EcoPro 2019 in Tokyo

EcoPro 2019 was held at Big Sight in Tokyo from December 5 to 7, 2019!

This event was held so that many people could know that companies, universities and local organizations are working to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted at the UN Summit.

At this exhibition, 100 studies from Ritsumeikan University were chosen as SDGs initiatives, and 11 special exhibitions were introduced and demonstrated at the booth.

Lecturer Kakogawa (currently at Kawamura Lab), Oka (D1), Kushiya (M1), Sera (M1) and Ota (B4) from our lab participated in this exhibition, and exhibited an in-pipe inspection robot.

In addition, a workshop for elementary and junior high school students was also held, and lecturer Kakogawa explained the snake-type robots to the children who came.


Prof. Fan and Associate Prof. Qu from Beihang University visited our university

On December 2, 2019, Prof. Shangchun Fan and Associate Prof. Xiaolei Qu from Beihang University (China) visited our university and gave us a lecture about their research activities in Advanced Sensing Technology Lab.

In addition, they visited our lab after the lecture, and we had in-depth exchanges after the introduction of the research activities in our lab.
