Prof. Shuqiang Ma and Prof. Hao Jin came to visited our lab

Prof. Shuqiang Ma who is the president of Hebei University of Technology and Prof. Hao Jin who is the curator of this school came to visited our lab today. They have taken a careful listening of the introduction of research and given high praise to our work.

Prof. Zhendong Dai who is also doing research in biomimetics robots came to out lab

Prof. Zhendong Dai who is also doing research in biomimetics robots came to out lab and listened to a simple report about our research. He is the director of the institute of Bio-inspired Structure and Surface Engineering in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) in China.

A visiting group from Delft University of Technology in Netherlands came to our lab

A visiting group from Delft University of Technology in Netherlands came to our lab and listened to a simple report about our research. These 28 students are led by Prof.Gerrit Bauer and Prof. Pieter Dorenbos.