- Nan Li, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Minghui Wang and Yuechao Wang, A Dynamic Shape-shifting Method for a Transformable Tracked Robot, [C] in Proc. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2010), pp. 466-471, 2010, Tianjin, China.
- Zhiqing Li, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Minghui Wang and Yuechao Wang, Parameters of the Drive System for a Transformable Wheel-Track Robot with Self-adaptive Mobile Mechanism, [C] in Proc. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2010), pp. 339-344, 2010, Tianjin, China.
- Bin Li, Shugen Ma, Tonglin Liu and Minghui Wang, Cooperative Reconfiguration between Two Specific Configurations for a Shape-shifting Robot, [C] in Proc. 2010 IEEE Int. Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2010), pp. 1-6, 2010.
- 吉田佑・馬書根, 受動吸盤を用いた壁面移動ロボットの設計, [A] 第 28 回日本ロボット学会学術講演会論文集, 2010, [CD-ROM].
- 加古川篤・馬書根, 螺旋駆動型管内移動ロボットの曲管内走行, [A] 第28 回日本ロボット学会学術講演会論文集, 2010, [CD-ROM].
- Yong Chang, Shugen Ma, Hongguang Wang, Dalong Tan and Xiaokang Song, Method of Kinematic Modeling of Wheeled Mobile Robot, [J] Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 46-5, pp. 30-36, 2010, .
- Peng Li, Shugen Ma, Bin Li and Yuechao Wang, Screw Drive In-Pipe Robot with Axial and Circum-diectional Inspection Ability, [J] Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 46-21, pp. 19-28, 2010, .
- Rongchuan Sun, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Minghui Wang and Yuechao Wang, Simultaneous Localization and Sampled Environment Mapping based on a Divide-and-Conquer Ideology, [J] ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA (自動化学報), 36-12, pp. 1697-1705, 2010, .
- Zhifeng Wang, Shugen Ma, Bin Li and Yuechao Wang, A Unified Dynamic Model for Locomotion and Manipulation of a Snake-like Robot based on Differential Geometry, [J] Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, 54-2, pp. 318-333, 2011, .
- Zhiqin Li, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Minghui Wang and Yuechao Wang, Analysis of the Constraint Relation between Ground and Self-adaptive Mobile Mechanism of a Transformable Wheel-track Robot, [J] Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 54-3, pp. 610-624, 2011, 41-3, 2011.3, 190---206 (a Chinese version).
- Rongchuan Sun, Shugen Ma, Bin Li and Yuechao Wang, A SLAM Algorithm in Complex Environments: SLASEM, [J] Int. J. of Advanced Robotics, 25-6, pp. 941-962, 2011.
- Qiquan Quan and Shugen Ma, Development of a Modular Crawler for Tracked Robots, [J] Int. J. of Advanced Robotics, 25-13, pp. 1839-1849, 2011.
- Changlong Ye, Shugen Ma, Li Hui, An Omnidirectional Mobile Robot, [J] Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, 54-12, pp. 2631-2638, 2011, .
- Shumei Yu, Shugen Ma, Bin Li and Yuechao Wang, An Amphibious Snake-Like Robot with Terrestrial and Aquatic Gaits, [C] in Proc. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2011), pp. 2960-2961, 2011, Shanghai, China, Video Session.
- Yi Sun and Shugen Ma, Decoupled Kinematic Control of Terrestrial Locomotion for an Epaddle-Based Reconfigurable Amphibious Robot, [C] in Proc. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2011), pp. 1223-1228, 2011, Shanghai, China.
- Xiaodong Wu and Shugen Ma, Sensor-Driven Neural Controller for Self-Adaptive Collision-Free Behavior of a Snake-Like Robot, [C] in Proc. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2011), pp. 191-196, 2011, Shanghai, China.
- Zhifeng Wang, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, and Yuechao Wang, Experimental study of passive creeping for a snake-like robot, [C] in Proc. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering (CME 2011), pp. 382-387, 2011, Harbin, China.
- Xiaodong Wu and Shugen Ma, Development of a Sensor-driven Snake-like Robot SR-I, [C] in Proc. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA2011), pp. 157-162, 2011, Shenzhen, China, 優秀論文賞 Finalist.
- Yi Sun and Shugen Ma, Towards the Development of a Versatile Amphibious Locomotion Mechanism, [C] in Proc. 2011/RSJ IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2011), pp. 5035-5040, 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- Chaoquan Tang, Shugen Ma, Bin Li and Yuechao Wang, A Self-Tuning Multi-Phase CPG Enabling the Snake Robot to Adapt to Environments, [C] in Proc. 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2011), pp. 1869-1874, 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- Yu Yoshida and Shugen Ma, A Wall-Climbing Robot without any Active Suction Mechanisms, [C] in Proc. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2011), pp. 2014-2019, 2011, Phuket, Thailand.
- Changlong Ye, Huaiyong Li, and Shugen Ma, Kinematic Analysis of an Omnidirectional Mobile Robot with MY Wheels, [C] in Proc. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2011), pp. 1748-1753, 2011, Phuket, Thailand.
- Atsushi Kakogawa and Shugen Ma, Experimental Verification of Analytical Torques Enabling a Screw Drive In-pipe Robot to Pass through Bent Pipes, [C] in Proc. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2011), pp. 1742-1747, 2011, Phuket, Thailand.
- Yi Sun and Shugen Ma, Legged Gaits Planning for a Novel ePaddle-Based Amphibious Robot, [C] in Proc. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2011), pp. 299-304, 2011, Phuket, Thailand.
- 加古川篤・馬書根, 螺旋駆動型管内移動ロボットの曲管内走行時のトルク解析とその検証実験, [A] 第 29 回日本ロボット学会学術講演会論文集, 2011, [CD-ROM].
- Yi Sun and Shugen Ma, Terrestrial Gait Experiments for ePaddle Locomotion Mechanism, [A] 第 29 回日 本ロボット学会学術講演会論文集, 2011, [CD-ROM].
- 加古川篤・馬書根, 曲管内走行可能な螺旋駆動型管内移動ロボットのための最適なバネ定数の設計, [A] 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会’11 講演論文集, 2011, [CD-ROM].
- 厳煌・馬書根, 全方位移動ロボットの安定走行, [A] 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会’11 講演論文集, 2011, [CD-ROM].
- 孫翊・馬書根, 水陸両用ロボットの偏心パドル機構の設計, [A] 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会’11 講演論文集, 2011, [CD-ROM].
- 呉暁東・馬書根, センサ情報に基づく環境適応蛇型ロボット SR-I の開発, [A] 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会’11 講演論文集, 2011, [CD-ROM].
- Kundong Wang and Shugen Ma, A Novel Snake-like Robot with Full Gaits, [A] 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会’11 講演論文集, 2011, [CD-ROM].
- Changlong Ye, Shugen Ma, Li Hui, An Omnidirectional Mobile Robot, [J] Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, 41-2, pp. 181-189, 2011, .
- Rongchuan Sun, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Minghui Wang and Yuechao Wang, Data Association Using General Distance in SLASEM, [J] Robot, 33-2, pp. 214-220, 2011.
- Zhiqin Li, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Minghui Wang and Yuechao Wang, Development of a Transformable Wheel-track Robot with Self-adaptive Ability, [J] Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 47-5, pp. 1-10, 2011, .
- Shumei Yu, Shugen Ma, Bin Li and Yuechao Wang, Gait Generation and Analysis for Snake-like Robots, [J] Robot, 33-3, pp. 371-378, 2011, .
- Shuai Guo, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Minghui Wang and Yuechao Wang, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping through a Voronoi-Diagarm based Map Representation, [J] ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA (自動化学報), 37-9, pp. 1095-1104, 2011, .
- Zhifeng Wang, Shugen Ma, Bin Li and Yuechao Wang, A Unified Dynamic Model for Locomotion and Manipula- tion of a Snake-like Robot based on Differential Geometry, [J] Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, 41-2, pp. 190-206, 2011.
- Zhiqin Li, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Minghui Wang and Yuechao Wang, Analysis of the Constraint Relation between Ground and Self-adaptive Mobile Mechanism of a Transformable Wheel-track Robot, [J] Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 41-3, pp. 190-206, 2011.
- Xiaodong Wu and Shugen Ma, CPG-Based Control of Serpentine Locomotion of a Snake-Like Robot, [BC] in the Book “Biologically Inspired Robotics”, Edited by Yunhui Liu and Dong Sun, CRC Press, pp. 13-32, 2011.
- Zhifeng Wang, Shugen Ma, Bin Li and Yuechao Wang, Simulation and Experimental Study of an Energy-based Control Method for the Serpentine Locomotion of a Snake-like Robot, [J] ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA (自動化学報), 37-5, pp. 604-614, 2011, .
- Atsushi Kakogawa and Shugen Ma, Stiffness Design of Springs for a Screw Drive In-pipe Robot to Pass through Curved Pipes and Vertical Straight Pipes, [J] Int. J. of Advanced Robotics, 26-3, pp. 253-276, 2012.
- Nan Li, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Minghui Wang and Yuechao Wang, An Online Stair-Climbing Control Method for a Transformable Tracked Robot, [C] in Proc. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2012), pp. 923-929, 2012, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA.
- Shuai Guo, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Minghui Wang, and Yuechao Wang, A new hybrid metric map representation by using Voronoi diagram and its application to SLAM, [C] in Proc. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA2012), pp. 400-405, 2012, Shenyang, China.
- Changlong Ye, Huichao Ni and Shugen Ma, Development of an Omni-directional wheel with differential structure, [C] in Proc. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA2012), pp. 1633-1638, 2012, Shenyang, China.
- Taiki Nishimura, Atsushi Kakogawa and Shugen Ma, Pathway Selection Mechanism of a Screw Drive In-pipe Robot in T-branches, [C] in Proc. 8th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE2012), pp. 612-617, 2012, Seoul, Korea.
- Yi Sun, Shugen Ma, Yang Yang, Planning of Legged Racewalking Gait for an ePaddle-based Amphibious Robot, [C] in Proc. 10th International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO2012), pp. 218-223, 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia, [Identifier 10.3182/20120905-3-HR-2030.00115].
- Shugen Ma, Shuai Guo, Minghui Wang and Bin Li, Data Association for a Hybrid Metric Map Representation, [C] in Proc. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Information Integration (MFI2012), pp. 168-173, 2012, Hamburg, Germany.
- Yongchen Tang, Shugen Ma, Yi Sun, Dingxin Ge, A Multi-legged Robot with Less Actuators by Applying Passive Body Segment Joint, [C] in Proc. 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012), pp. 1828-1833, 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal.
- Guizhi Yang, Shugen Ma, Bin Li and Minghui Wang,, A Hierarchical Connectionist CPG Controller for Controlling the Snake-like Robot’s 3-dimensional Gaits, [C] in Proc. 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012), pp. 822-827, 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal.
- Nan Li, Shugen Ma, Minghui Wang, Bin Li and Yuechao Wang, An Optimization Design Method for the mechanism parameters of an Amphibious Transformable Robot, [C] in Proc. 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012), pp. 2282-2288, 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal.