- Jinguo Liu, Yuechao Wang, Bin Li and Shugen Ma, Simulation Analysis of Shape Shifting Robot’s Tipover Stability, [J] Journal of System Simulation, 18-2, pp. 409-415, 2006.
- Zheng Zhang, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Liping Zhang, Binggang Cao, Statics Analysis and Opengl Based 3D Simulation of Collaborative Reconfigurable Planetary Robots, [J] Academic Journal of Xian Jiaotong University (English Edition), 18-2, pp. 102-105, 2006.
- Liping Zhang, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Guowei Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Binggang Cao, Crossing ditch for reconfigurable planetary robots, [J] Journal of Shanghai University (English Edition), 10-3, pp. 256-261, 2006.
- Zheng Zhang, Shugen Ma, Binggang Cao, Liping Zhang, Bin Li, Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for a Planetary Exploration Multirobot System, [BC] in the Book (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) “Agent Computing and Multi-Agent Systems: 9th Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, PRIMA 2006, Guilin, China, August 7-8, 2006. Proceedings” Edited by ZhongZhi Shi and Ramakoti Sadananda, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 339-350, 2006.
- Jinguo Liu, Yuechao Wang, Shugen Ma, and Bin Li, RBF Neural Network Based Shape Control of Hyper- redundant Manipulator with Constrained End-Effector, [BC] in the Book (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) “Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2006: Second International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chengdu, China, May 28 - June 1, 2006, Proceedings, Part II” Edited by Jun Wang, Zhang Yi, Jacek M. Zurada, Bao-Liang Lu, and Hujun Yin, Springer-Verlag, pp. 1146-1152, 2006.
- 住孝明・井上康介・佐藤記一・馬書根, ヘビ型ロボットの適応的ロコモーション --地面摩擦変動への適応--, [A] 第16 回インテリジェント・システム・シンポジウム (FAN’06), pp. 37-40, 2006.
- Jinguo Liu, Yuechao Wang, Bin Li, and Shugen Ma, Neural network based kinematic control of the hyper- redundant snake-like manipulator, [BC] in the Book (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) “Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2007: Second International Symposium on Neural Networks, Nanjing, China, June 3-7, 2007, Proceedings, Part I” Edited by Derong Liu, Shumin Fei, Zeng-Guang Hou, and Huaguang Zhang, Springer-Verlag, pp. 771-779, 2007.
- Li Chen, Yuechao Wang, Bin Li, Shugen Ma and Dengping Duan, Study on Locomotion of a Crawling Robot for Adaptation to the Environment, [BC] in the Book “Bioinspiration and Robotics: Walking and Climbing Robots”, Edited by Maki K. Habib, I-Tech Education and Publishing, pp. 301-316, 2007.
- Liping Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Binggang Cao, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Study on Space Docking Technique Based on Two-Dimension Position Sensing Detector, [J] Xi’an Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao (Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University) (China), 41-9, pp. 1110-1114, 2007.
- Zhenli Lu, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, and Yuechao Wang, A Gait-Transmission CPG Controller for a Snake-like Robot, [J] Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, 37-10, pp. 1304-1315, 2007.
- Jinguo Liu, Yuechao Wang, Bin Li, Shugen Ma, and Dalong Tan, A Center-configuration Selection Technique for the Reconfigurable Modular Robot, [J] Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, 37-10, pp. 1316-1328, 2007.
- Minghui Wang, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Yuechao Wang, Configuration of Reconfigurable Modular Planetary Robots based on State Configuration Vector and State Configuration Matrix, [J] Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 43-10, pp. 119-125, 2007, 遼寧省自然科学学術成果二等賞.
- Liping Zhang, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Zheng Zhang, Binggang Cao, Two-dimensional PSD based automatic docking of self-reconfiguration modular exploration robot system, [J] Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, 28-7, pp. 1198-1204, 2007, .
- Zhenli Lu, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Yuechao Wang, 3D Locomotion of a Snake-like Robot Controlled by Cyclic Inhibitory CPG Model, [J] ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA (自動化学報), 33-1, pp. 54-58, 2007, .
- 住孝明・井上康介・佐藤記一・馬書根, 環境適応型ヘビ型ロボットの開発-接地面摩擦変動に適応した神経振動子ネットワークの構築-, [A] 計測自動制御学会第19 回自律分散システムシンポジウム資料, 239-244, 2007.
- Kousuke Inoue, Takaaki Sumi, Norikazu Sato and Shugen Ma, CPG-based Adaptable Control of a Snake-likeRobot, [A] in Proc. SICE Annual Conference, 2161-2164, 2007, (in English.
- Changlong Ye, Shugen Ma, and Bin Li, Kinematic Analysis on a Mobile Robot Composed of Three Wheeled Units, [C] in Proc. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2007), pp. 485-489, 2007, Sanya, China, [優秀論文賞Finalist].
- Yongchuan Sun, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, and Yuechao Wang, A Relative Map Filter Using Linear Invariant Measurements, [C] in Proc. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2007), pp. 1635-1640, 2007, Sanya, China.
- Peng Li, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Yuechao Wang, and Changlong Ye, An In-pipe Inspection Robot based on Adaptive Mobile Mechanism: Mechanical Design and Basic Experiments, [C] in Proc. 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2007), pp. 2576-2581, 2007, San Diego, CA, USA.
- Kosuke Inoue, Takaaki Sumi, and Shugen Ma, CPG-based Control of a Simulated Snake-like Robot Adaptable to Changing Ground Friction, [C] in Proc. 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2007), pp. 1957-1962, 2007, San Diego, CA, USA.
- Bin Li, Shugen Ma, Jinguo Liu, and Yuechao Wang, Autonomous Control of A Shape-shifting Robot in Urban Terrain, [C] in Proc. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2007), pp. 1-6, 2007, Roma, Italy.
- Yunong Zhang and Shugen Ma, Minimum-Energy Redundancy Resolution of Robot Manipulators Unified by Quadratic Programming and its Online Solution, [C] in Proc. 2007 IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA2007), pp. 3232-3237, 2007, Takamatsu, Kagawa, China.
- Peng Li, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Yuechao Wang, and Xinyuan He, Development of an Adaptive Mobile Robot for In-Pipe Inspection Task, [C] in Proc. 2007 IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA2007), pp. 3622-3627, 2007, Hearbin, Heilongjiang, China.
- Changlong Ye, Shugen Ma, and Bin Li, Development of a 3D Snake-like Robot Perambulator-II: Design and Basic Experiments, [C] in Proc. 2007 IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA2007), pp. 117-122, 2007, Hearbin, Heilongjiang, China.
- Jinguo Liu, Yuechao Wang, Bin Li, and Shugen Ma, Current research, key performances and future development of search and rescue robots, [J] Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China, Higher Education Press and SpringerVerlag, 2-4, pp. 404-416, 2007.
- Li Chen, Shugen Ma, Yuechao Wang, Bin Li, and Dengping Duan, Design and modelling of a snake robot in traveling wave locomotion, [J] Mechanism and Machine Theory, 42-12, pp. 1632-1642, 2007.
- Jinguo Liu, Yuechao Wang, Bin Li, and Shugen Ma, Kinematics analysis of a robotic rock grinder, [J] Chinese Science Bulletin, 52-23, pp. 3299-3304, 2007.
- Jinguo Liu, Yuechao Wang, Bin Li, Shugen Ma, and Dalong Tan, A Center-configuration Selection Technique for the Reconfigurable Modular Robot, [J] Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, 50-5, pp. 697-710, 2007.
- Guangping Lan, Shugen Ma, Kousuke Inoue, and Yoshio Hamamatsu, Development of a Novel Crawler Mechanism with Polymorphic Locomotion, [J] Int. J. of Advanced Robotics, 21-4, pp. 421-440, 2007.
- Changlong Ye, Shugen Ma, and Bin Li, Development of a Shape-shifting Mobile Robot for Urban Search and Rescue, [J] Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 21-2, pp. 31-35, 2008.
- Zhenli Lu, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, and Yuechao Wang, Gaits-Transferable CPG Controller for a Snake-like Robot, [J] Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, 51-3, pp. 293-305, 2008, .
- Jinguo Liu, Shugen Ma, Yuechao Wang and Bin Li, Network-based reconfiguration routes for a self-reconfigurable robot, [J] Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, 51-10, pp. 1532-1546, 2008, 遼寧省自然科学学術成果一等賞.
- Zhijiang Zuo, Zhifeng Wang, Bin Li and Shugen Ma, Serpentine Locomotion of a Snake-like Robot in Water Environment, [C] in Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2008), pp. 25-30, 2008.
- Qiquan Quan, Shugen Ma, Yongqiang Liu and Bin Li, Impact Absorption of a Dual-crawler-driven Robot, [C] in Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2008), pp. 800-805, 2008.
- Jinguo Liu, Shugen Ma, Yuechao Wang, Bin Li, and Cong Wang, Configuration Representation of a Link-type Self-reconfigurable Mobile Robot, [C] in Proc. IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS 2008), pp. 737-740, 2008, Macao, China.
- Shugen Ma, Changlong Ye, Bin Li , and Yuechao Wang, Reconfigurable Modular Universal Unit (MUU) for Mobile Robots, [C] in Proc. 9 th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS2008), pp. 17-19, 2008, Tsukuba, Japan.
- Bin Li, Shugen Ma, Tonglin Liu and Jinguo Liu, Cooperative Negotiation and Control Strategy of a Shape-shifting Robot, [C] 2008 IEEE Int. Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2008), pp. 53-57, 2008, Sendai, Japan.
- Peng Li, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Yuechao Wang, Multifunctional Mobile Units with a Same Platform for In-Pipe Inspection Robots, [C] 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2008), pp. 2643-2648, 2008, Nice, France.
- Mingui Wang, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Haili Gong, and Yuechao Wang, Reconfiguration Optimization for a Swarm of Wheel-manipulator Robots, [C] 2008 IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA2008), pp. 1035-1040, 2008.
- Rongchuan Sun, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, and Yuechao Wang, Improving Consistency of EKF-based SLAM algorithms by using accurate linear approximation, [C] 2008 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechantronics (AIM2008), pp. 619-624, 2008, Xi'an, China.
- Shugen Ma, Qiquan Quan, and Rongqiang Liu, Posture Analysis of a Dual-crawler-driven Robot, [C] 2008 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechantronics (AIM2008), pp. 365-370, 2008, Xi'an, China, .
- Mitsunori Uemura, Guangqiang Lu, Sadao Kawamura and Shugen Ma, Energy Saving Control Method of MultiJoint Robots Through Stiffness Adaptation and DFC, [A] ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2008 (Robomec2008), 2008, .
- Mitsunori Uemura, Guangqiang Lu, Sadao Kawamura and Shugen Ma, Passive Periodic Motions of Multi-Joint Robots by Stiffness Adaptation and DFC for Energy Saving, [C] SICE Annual Conference, pp. 2853-2858, 2008, Tokyo, Japan.
- Shumei Yu, Shugen Ma, Bin Li and Yuechao Wang, Locomotion Control and Gaits’ Modality of a 3D Snake-like Robot, [C] SICE Annual Conference, pp. 3026-3030, 2008, Tokyo, Japan.
- Bin Li, Jinguo Liu, Yuechao Wang, Shugen Ma, Haili Gong, Guowei Zhang, Development of novel roboticized rock abrasion tool, [C] 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA08), pp. 3247-3251, 2008.
- Peng Li, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, and Yuechao Wang, Design of a Mobile Mechanism Possessing Driving Ability and Detecting Function for In-Pipe Inspection, [C] 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2008), pp. 3992-3997, 2008, Pasadena, CA, USA.
- Shumei Yu, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, and Yuechao Wang, Analysis of Helical Gait of Snake-like robots, [C] 2008 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechantronics (AIM2008), pp. 1183-1188, 2008, Xi'an, China.
- Changlong Ye, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Hongjun Liu, Design and locomotion analysis of an unit for reconfigurable robots, [C] 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA08), pp. 3886-3891, 2008.
- Bin Li, Shugen Ma, Minghui Wang, Tonglin Liu, Mobility for a special configuration of a shape-shifting robot in urban terrain, [C] in Proc. 2009 IEEE Int. Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2009), pp. 1-6, 2009, Denver, Colorado, USA.
- Rongchuan Sun, Shugen Ma, Bin Li and Yuechao Wang, Simultaneous Localization and Sampled Environment Mapping, [C] in Proc. 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2009), pp. 6484-6489, 2009, Shanghai, China.